Tier 3 MTE one-on-one sessions with athletes & parents involve providing personalised guidance, support, & education to both the player and their family. The goal is to enhance the athlete's performance on the field while also addressing the broader aspects of their development, such as physical & mental well-being, education, & personal growth. At MTE, the mentors aim to cover in each video call session:

1. Skill Development:

The mentoring sessions may focus on the specific skills required for rugby league, such as tackling, passing, kicking, and game strategy. The mentor might provide personalised drills, exercises, and feedback tailored to the athlete's strengths and weaknesses.

2. Physical Conditioning:

The mentor can offer guidance on physical fitness, strength training, injury prevention, and nutrition to ensure the athlete is in optimal physical condition for competition.

3. Mental Preparation:

Mentoring can help athletes develop mental resilience, focus, and psychological strategies to manage the pressures of competition, handle setbacks, and build confidence.

4. Game Analysis:

Reviewing game footage can be an important part of mentoring. The mentor can help the athlete and parents analyse the player's performance, identify areas for improvement, and understand the strategic aspects of the game.

5. Education and Career Planning:

For younger athletes, mentoring might involve discussions about education, balancing academics with sports, and considering future career options beyond rugby league.

6. Communication with Parents:

Involving parents in the mentoring process is crucial. The mentor can communicate with parents to ensure they understand the athlete's needs, support their development, and provide a holistic environment for their growth.

7. Personal Development:

Mentoring can address personal values, sportsmanship, teamwork, and leadership skills, fostering the athlete's overall development on and off the field.

8. Goal Setting:

The mentor can work with the athlete and parents to establish short- term and long-term goals, creating a roadmap for the athlete's development and progression within the sport.

Overall, the one-on-one MTE sessions aim to provide individualized support to the athlete, addressing their specific needs, nurturing their talent, and supporting their overall growth as both a player and a person. By involving parents in the process, the mentor can ensure a supportive and informed network around the athlete, contributing to their success both in sports and in life.